Monday, January 25, 2010

January Meeting Minutes

General Meeting

January 21, 2010


Roll Call

Motion to suspend reading of minutes, Andrews 2nd Garland-passed

T. Brandon gave financial report. Motion to accept, Andrews 2nd Von Mille-passed

Pulliam recognized for 23 years of service to Local. Pulliam expressed his gratitude to all especially Brandon.

K. Andes sworn in as new president,New Executive Board sworn in. Offer to keep Pulliam as consultant until President Andes is up to speed.

Open Forum

T. Brandon to visit each station and shift beginning in February.

Andes asking for each member of local to forward 3 goals for the Local

R. Neville asked about the possibility of PBSC and Local working together.

Andes that the local will work with the other organization, would like to see 2 groups as one

Pulliam stated stand together on issues.

Andes asked if discussion of race would be helpful? Chambers said yes, discussion should start at station level as a family.

Glidewell said lack of clarity causes most problems, Brandon added trust issues.

Pulliam explained the organization of each group. Local and PBSC have equal representation but the Local is the only bargaining agency.

Andes: Both groups want consistency in hiring process with standards and practices in writing.

Andes: Spoke about meeting with retirement (Bill Landham). Sick leave is a benefit, told Chief has the authority to deny sick leave/medical leave; Andes would like to invite Landham to meeting for question and answer session.

Brandon: People calling for staffing now — money not issue.

Whitely: Lt. Forgette questioned at civic meeting about staffing issues.

Farber: expressed that Local should go to civic meetings and explain need, rather than having on-duty members doing it.

Pulliam: Fire Chief and Chief Pulliam had explained same as well as NFPA 1710

Andes: Get citizens and council members to FTA to demonstrate 3 vs. 4-person company.

Ross: gave fire safety talk and stated he is there for Prevention tips/questions.

Schmidt: Hiring and promotion needed standardization.

Brandon: Need safe staffing

Pulliam: Need 1710 compliance

Andes: All local members need to be unified.

Pulliam: PPGs needed

L. Neville: per Chief operating under 2007 PPGs

Andes: recommends promotions based on sick leave usage

McGovern: 100% sick time towards retirement

Schmidt: burden of budget cuts needs to be shared equally, Ops taking the brunt; have E Board remind Admin of this.

Pulliam: Work force should not be cut anywhere.

Glidewell: explained differences between DROP and new hire; need all to work together

Farber: Asked about joining state association.

Andes: Will have state representative come to meeting and explain benefit of belonging.

Brandon: Explained why Local left the association; Pulliam added more information.

Schmidt: Need good communication device to get information to membership.

R. Neville moved that a PIO/Communication Committee be formed and its priority be obtaining email addresses from the membership in order to relay information.2nd Whitely; passed.


Brandon reported that Transit Union was leaving. Will result in $500 loss/month.

Andrews reported on General Assembly: Line of Duty Benefits (will get Bill #)

Interrogation Process/witness changes


Verlander’s mother passed.

Moved to adjourn, Brandon, 2nd Von Mille passed.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January Meeting

January 21, 2009 will be the next meeting. New officers will be sworn in for their upcoming terms. Executive Board meeting starts at 1700. General Membership meeting begins at 1900.